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JW8507A Multichannel Bench-top Optical Attenuator
    Publish time 2021-04-21 12:41    
1. Individual VOA modules
2. More efficient testing and data processing ability
3. Support for optical output locking
4. Support internal OPM
5. Maximum + 27dBm input optical power
6. Provides RS232 interface
7. Provide variety software protocols for easy system integration

JW8507 Multichannel Bench-top Optical Attenuator is a special test equipment designed by Joinwit for current optical transceiver and optical network integration test. JW8506 has a high-density design that significantly small size. The multi-channel stand-alone Optical attenuator channel provides higher test data throughput and test rate. The device also provides variety communication interface, can be integrated with many Joinwit products. JW8507 is the ideal solution of Optical Network, Optical transmission field to light sensitivity, error rate, attenuation test of the 40G / 100G optical module.